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Sathaporn Marketing Co., Ltd. is the leadership of Insect repellents business in households and innovation products
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Kayari mosquito repellent spray

Kayari spray – Kayari mosquito repellent spray and Kayari pyrethrum spray (flying insects) are the products that all mothers trust and select for children. Mosquito repellent spray is designed to fulfill customers’ requirements. We focus on the main ingredients which work against mosquitos very well. Light weighted spray, easy absorption and cool. Once you apply the spray you can feel a nice touch, non-sticky, and no stain, and you can be assured that each of your activities won’t be interrupted by mosquitos for 7 hours. Kayari pyrethrum spray is made for household use, extracted from pyrethrum flower which has special properties in eliminating mosquitos and insects. The extract is called pyrethrins affect the nervous system of insects effectively. The product is easy to use and spray does not leave a sleek or sticky stain on the floor. Focusing on alternative use, we have 2 spray formulas which are Kayari Pyrethrum Spray Chisen scent used for flying insects and pyrethrum spray Hanavender scent used for insects, cockroach, and ants.

Kayari mosquito repellent coils

Kayari mosquito repellent coils have herbal ingredients like citronella, eucalyptus, and turmeric which are common natural herbs and effective essential oil that works against mosquitoes. there are 4 scents, including Sakura / Lavender / Rosemary and herbs. The entire coils can be used, it is a good choice and convenient for keeping away mosquitos. The product was designed to be used in well-ventilated areas, night open areas, camping or mosquito abound areas.

Showing 1-2 of 2 results.