About T-GoodTech

T-GoodTech (Thai Good Technology) is a digital platform and the business matching channel between Thai entrepreneurs themselves and foreign entrepreneurs in terms of Business to Business (B2B). An objective of the platform is to promote SMEs into a Global Value Chain by applying with database systems and technologies under the collaboration between the Department of Industrial Promotion, Ministry of Industry and Organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation of Japan (SMRJ) driving SMEs into a Global Value Chain.


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วีดิโอบันทึกการสัมมนา เชื่อมโยงธุรกิจ พิชิตตลาดญี่ปุ่น 28 มี.ค 2567


ขอเชิญสมัครเข้าร่วมคลินิกปรึกษาแนะนำการดำเนินธุรกิจ "ให้องค์ความรู้พร้อมการปรึกษาแนะนำแบบตัวต่อตัว“




ขอเชิญสมัครเข้าร่วมคลินิกปรึกษาแนะนำการดำเนินธุรกิจ "ให้องค์ความรู้พร้อมการปรึกษาแนะนำแบบตัวต่อตัว“ Lean Profit First สร้างกำไรเพิ่มด้วยวิถีลีน


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Interesting companies

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Yokohama Rubber(Thailand)Co.,Ltd.

Diamond Electric Asia Pacific Co., Ltd.

Thai Seiko Printing Company Limited

The high quality labels with highly evaluated by various customers.

Jamjuree fruit Co.ltd

NOE Asia Pacific Co., Ltd.

Hitachi Chemical Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd.



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WordPress, the helper to create a website easily by yourself.


In the last articles, you have been known with WordPress quite a bit. In this article, you will start doing it. For the simple process to create a website with WordPress as follow:

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WordPress, the helper to make website not difficult anymore.


When it comes to build a website. Many entrepreneurs may be worried, it is because to create a new website is a time-consuming process, high cost and also have to plan a strategy for the website a lot. The problems happened, have led developers to create a successful program in order to make the website easier and more convenient. Even you do not have website knowledge, it still can be done.

Storytelling (not) secrets weapons that business must know.


  Nowadays, storytelling is very important because it helps customers to have a feeling of joining us. It also builds credibility and trust from customers. Therefore, if we practice telling story skill that are related to the brand or the inspiration to build our brand, it will come out well to the customer's mind.

How influencers are important to brand in 2021


As you can see, over the past year, The trend of using influencers to promote products or services has become increasingly popular, becoming one of the most attractive marketing trends for business people and brands. According to influencers’ followers are a large number of individuals who may be matched to our target audience.


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ต้องการผู้ร่วมทุน (VC)

สร้างโดย ธีรเมศร์ คณาพงษ์พุฒิเมศ | 21/12/2021

Looking for partners oversea

สร้างโดย ชลกาญจน์ ศิริกลการ | 10/11/2021

Benefits of electrolytes

สร้างโดย สิทธิรัตน์ เลขาภิสิทธิ์ | 29/09/2021


สร้างโดย นายสราวุธ ชุโนทัยสวัสดิ์ | 09/09/2021

Freeze dried foods and fruits

สร้างโดย ภัครดา จงศิวิไล | 09/07/2020


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Q Industrial company in part of production, commerce or service field, can be a member?

A every single sector could be included.
Q Benefits for SMEs When become the member in our platform “T-GoodTech”

  1. Search for partners and communication via online system.
  2. Great channel for public relation to foreign investors to be known.
  3. Searching channel for business matching with proficiency manufacturers country and around the world through our platform.
  4. Link to J-GoodTech.com, a Japan Business Matching platform that provides exceeding to 17,000 companies in various types of business which have been screened.
  5. Activities such as events, seminar and business matching with reliable companies to broaden business.
Q Communication Channels

  1. Main website :  www.tgoodtech.com
  2. Facebook fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/TGoodTech/
  3. Line : @hmn6987v
  4. E-mail : dip.tgoodtech@gmail.com
Q Products or goods need to obtain compulsory standards?


Compulsory standards are required for special industrial/service manufacture.

Q Do your company need to have either website or Facebook? which language?


You are required to have either website or Facebook, Thai and English.