Electronic Product Updated at : 03/05/2019 10:50:13

Electronic Titanium widely use in electronic industry for Wave Soldering Process because titanium non-adhesive to Lead-Free and -also corrosive resistance which normally fabricate to equipment

Electronic Titanium equipment such as
Titanium Soldering Finger
Finger to hang electrical part for wave soldering process which has good corrosion resistance and non-adhesive with melting lead

Titanium Fabricated Soldering Bath
For melting lead and lead-free which can resist corrosion of melting lead and non-adhesive with melting lead normally use in the electronic industry

Titanium Machined Soldering Bath
For melting lead and lead-free which can resist corrosion of melting lead and non-adhesive with melting lead normally use in the electronic industry

Titanium Spool
Titanium spool for dip melt lead from bath Titanium have very good corrosion resistance and non adhesive to melting lead


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